Friday, February 08, 2008

OK, OK, after a false start the other night, I can NOW see why everyone raved about "Das Leben der Anderen."


The Late Bloomer said...

I have to say that it was one of my favorite films of 2007, if not my absolute fave... I feel like it's been so long since I saw a movie that intense, that affecting... Needless to say, I loved it! And yes, I admit, I cried at the end... Alone in my seat in the theater, I had no problem shedding those tears.

rhino75 said...

LB, I too cried at the end but was too embarrassed to admit it!! I really did think it was wonderful.

Anonymous said...

yes, oh god, what a wonderful film. it totally earned my tears at the end. and so sad about ulrich muhe.

Starman said...

It was a very moving show, though somewhat unbelievable at times.