Now, where was I? Oh yes, so...with Ma Rhino in town this weekend, I decided to do something a little more cultural than 14 vodka and tonics at the Perle followed by gay karaoke and head OUTSIDE PARIS (my italics, accompanied by a sharp intake of breath) to visit Giverny, the village where the daddy of all Impressionists Claude Monet spent much of his life. Have you been? If not, here's a tip. DON'T GO IF IT'S POURING WITH RAIN. While it's not that bad travelling for the best part of an hour on a packed train then a packed coach to blunder around an artist's garden in a cagoule, I'm sure the whole thing is MUCH more enjoyable with a little sunshine. That said, the gardens were delightful, even through my misted, rain-streaked specs. But it was the house I liked best. I was particularly taken by Monet's cooker (or "stove") which was this huge Aga-like contraption. You could just imagine him getting up in the morning and standing there making some slightly blurred scrambled turkey eggs and Aga toast (made with that contraption shaped like a wire tennis racket aka "the best toast in the world"). With a breakfast like that inside you, who could fail to be creative?? I'm not sure what that tap is for on the right-hand side though. And Monet's bed looked a bit lumpy, but I'm sure these days that Ikea deliver, even to Giverny. I may move there, just for that cooker. The other highlight of the weekend was the Caribbean carnival at Bastille. Terrific fun, an explosion of music, dancing and colour. Just like Pride really, only with more women and better costumes and dancing. Miaow.
Giverny was the first place we went when I came to visit my friend in France five years ago. When I was there, it was grey and drizzly and cool, but not pouring down, thank goodness. I do so love that place. :)
Grey, drizzly, rainy.... Sounds like Giverny. And even when it's not raining, umbrellas are out there ;) Check this photo http://tinyurl.com/2w5owr
Other photos from last time i went there : http://tinyurl.com/2twnt7
BTW, it's less than ten minutes from home :)
I thought I'd blaze a hole in your comments with a link to my Giverny photos but GAH... none of that amazing cooker! I hid my camera because it filled me with such awe (and I think photos are officially forbidden in that room). Wonderful... I love the pots too. Thought, though, that the copies of his famous works hanging up in his sunroom were absolutely crap. And they completely ruined the dimensions of the room with all that crap stacked in it.
I, myself, packed in some serious drinking time at the Perle on Tuesday. Thought of calling you but then was just too trashed to find my cellphone. We must do something for July 14th!
Vivi, it certainly is beautiful, if only it hadn't been quite so wet! Toli, as soon as I see the words Vexin these days, I think of you. Your pics sum it up pretty well - you're very lucky we didn't pop round for a cup of tea, though!! Nardac, I completely agree on the repros and too much clutter, too much clutter by far. I'll email you later, hon. Mwah!
My other half seems to be the only person who's visited Giverny when it hasn't been raining - is it like Manchester then? Seeing everything through rain streaked specs is probably the way Monet saw everything in his latter years anyway!
I could imagine Monet wearing a cagoule actually ...
Actually, I've seen Giverny twice when it was sunny and hothotHOT -- half the plants were dead and dying. I think you got the better option.
Rhino going in the rain is probably the only way you will be able to see the cooker. We went about a month back in full sunshine and there were so many people that you couldn't even look sideways at what you were shuffling past.
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