Forgive me, dear reader, for I have sinned. Not only am I a bad blogger (no posts for nearly a week), I'm even a bad gay, because I didn't go to Paris Pride this year. Mind you, I'm not alone there. A quick straw poll revealed that 80% (my math) of my homosexualist friends didn't bother either. Frankly, I just couldn't muster up the requisite enthusiasm for taking pics of trannies (whooo!), boys dressed as angels (whoo-hoo!) and old men in leather (wh....ewwww) AGAIN. I mean, fair play to you if that's your thing but after 10 years it's, well, it's worn a little thin for me. Yeah, yeah, Stonewall etc. I know, I know, jeez, it's not as if I haven't put in the hours/air miles over the years. I've even been to Stonewall in NYC (where I was given a highly informative leaflet and the fright of my life by a stripper called Carlos and his unfeasibly large "python"). Anyway, I realise I have lost valuable gay points for this, that I will have to try and redeem in some other way - maybe through several hours of gay karaoke or some other "community" service? Perhaps a 24-hour Kylie-thon? Talking of gay karaoke, I did actually poke my head in there at about 1:30 a.m. on Saturday morning but we were feeling a little too bedraggled to hang around after missing the last metro and walking back from the
Flèche d'Or in the rain. I was with
Pierre and we'd been to see several bands, including the two female singers from the French combo
Nouvelle Vague (Melanie Pain and Phoebe Killdeer, both EXCELLENT, click on the preceding link for more details, myspaces etc.) As an added bonus, we also ran into
Toli and a friend of his there too. Sunday brought yet another picnic feast of strawberries, champagne, nanaimo bars and chocolate cake on the banks of the Seine with
Petite, Tadpole, Belleville Boy,
Meg, Cedric, Ryan,
Anna Red Boat (and Mr. Red Boat). So lovely was it, in fact, that several of us decided to keep going with a glass or two
P.S. Please spare a thought for Miss Kitty. We've been to the vets today and she's very poorly indeed and I've got to keep a close eye on her over the next couple of days. Fingers crossed. P.P.S. Thanks to Meg for the photo of the cake before it all got messy!
You didn't miss much... I'm a bit ambivalent about pride marches in general, but this one was truly awful -- Very mainstream, very commercial.
So sorry to hear about Miss Kitty...
Hope your little Miss Kitty will be feeling better soon!
Sounds like you had a good weekend, so don't worry too much about missing the pride march. It's important that you do things you really WANT to do anyway!
By the way, how are you liking On Beauty? (as seen on your sidebar...)
Hope Miss Kitty will recover soon.
Do you remember the name of the girl/group who sang very Rock'n roll songs (Béatrice something?). Well, I mean... what's her Myspace?!!!
late bloomer > Hehehe, I've perverted Rhino, he told me he abandoned Zadie Smoth for a while to start reading a stupid comic-book called Frantico I've borrowed him...
First of all, Kitty thanks all of you for your wishes and positive vibes!! Amy, I share your ambivalence about Pride marches - I will be going to one in the U.K. in August though, just to win back some of those lost Gay points. Late Bloomer, I'm actually really enjoying Zadie but, as Pierre says, she's "on a break" at the moment. I'll be back to her before long though. Highly recommended (as is Frantico, even though the style is very different!!). Pierr-o, I think the rock 'n' roll woman was Phoebe Killdeer, and not called Beatrice at all. Check out the link...Who knew? :-)
Bad gay! Bad!
Me too, I spent about an hour at the Pride parade, but I went home to make the aforementioned Nanaimo bars.
I'm imagining a gay fidelity program with a "carte rose" where you can accumulate gay points to redeem for gifts and services. I think I see a business model here... any investors?
Best wishes to Kitty...
I've never been to Pride activity in France, but I do not attend them in the US as most of them are just another ploy to rip-off anyone dumb enough to go. Surely, someone can put together a real Gay Pride event!?
I wouldn't worry about not going to yet another Pride do. I haven't been in years and nobody seems to miss me.
I didn't go to London Pride. Well, I crossed paths with some of it, but only because I was sprinting from Top Man to Habitat...
Are you aware of the REAL Id Act and its implications for all Americans, both at home and abroad? http://www.aaro.org/
oooh sending good wishes to miss kitty.
don't worry about the march... gay pride, is like, so 1999.
and I'm back in paris after an extended stay in venice, so keep me in the picnic loop from now on, you hear?
Hi dear, just checking on Kitty girl to see how her gracious catgesty is doing.
Starman, Boz, Incurable Insomniac, thank you. I feel much better about missing Pride now. and Boz, you're right. The good thing about Pride is that it's an IDEAL opportunity to hit the shops!! Maitresse, ciao bella, good to have you back and talking Italian :-) Micke, turns out Kitty is asthmatic - who'd have thought? She's made a complete recovery but will have several attacks a year, more if she gets stressed. So now I have to tiptoe around my own apartment, trying not to make any loud noises etc.
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