Just wanted to say a HUUUUGGEEE "Merci!" to everyone who came and helped make this such a FAB day (for me, anyway!!). And, yes, thank you for asking, my head is STILL bright red - NOT a good look, I know. The weather was perfect, the ladies were exquisite, the men were hot, the tart was chocolate, and the booze was plentiful. So plentiful, in fact, that we last "happy few" actually got locked in the Buttes-Chaumont, leading to some eye-watering - there is no other word - attempts to scale the park railings at midnight...All this, a "Guys & Dolls" medley, and a valiant effort to finish off a three-litre box of wine finally got the better of us all. And special thanks to my best girls and adored buddy Frog who are so much better at this sort of thing than I am. Click on the pic to go to the Blognic Flickr pool and see everyone's photos.
You see the pic of me licking Cath, right? And you also see this big red stain i have on my neck, right? Well this stain is bad sunburn that hurts like hell as I'm writing this.
PS: When I think that i just had one slice of your yummy tart...
hon, I'm sorry but NOTHING can can compete with my sunburn at the end of Saturday; I looked like I was doing promotional work for Tomates de France. Luckily, I had a cap on all yesterday, otherwise I would now be dead. Thank goodness for Biafine. That tart was good, though I say so myself. Another Cyril Lignac winning recipe.
...Rhino, Rhino, tell us the story why you were locked into the park, with whom and were there drugs involved?
Yep, I'd be interested in the unofficial version of the story, too.
Thank you so much anyway for that great day, and hope to see you soon again! Next time, I'll bring my very special gâteau au chocolat, sure you'll like it.
By the way, I like our picture with Frog, looks like the French Connection... in Paris. Don't mess with us, buddy!
(yes, I am the guy who loves everyone, wearing the according T-Shirt)
Une dernière chose, Rhino : now you'll be read by yet another French guy. Beware of what you write, hey!
Guys, I blame it on Meg's almost *biblical* ability to produce an inexhaustible supply of wine and Pringles (are Pringles a drug? They ARE dangerously addictive...) With the result that we're all too familiar with. Re: the photo, you both look moody and magnificent - SO French - but Pierre, you'd better not be teasing with that promise of choccy cake...:-)
See, I even read your comments... Yep, I'm quite lazy today at work. Anyway, no teasing, just a promise! And trust me, it's my sister's secret recipe, you'll melt for it (if you can melt, of course - not sure since it appears that sun only makes you reddish).
Ah, a very last thing, to proof people even read your Blogger's profile: its "Ascenseur pour l'Échafaud", there's no "L'" at the beginning. Call me a perfectionist if you want.
Haha, I'll melt for chocolate cake, trust me. YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO READ THE PROFILE... LOL, Now I feel like I need to update it. Why, it doesn't even mention Grey's Anatomy! Another thing to do ::sigh:: In the meantime, though, I've removed the offending 'L' - got to keep my readers happy :D
I posted this comment at Le Meg and it applies to you too:
Owing to shyness and pressure of time, we didn't introduce ourselves to you. Sorry, but we would like to say thank you for co-organising the party. (We spoke to Petite and FrogWithaBlog so I must now zip over to Bookpacker).
We've posted our meagre collection of snaps on flickr.
And we look forward to the next bash when we will say hello. Promise.
P.S. Don't give up with Henning Mankell. The White Lioness and One Step Behind are worth a read; if there's a next bloggers' get-together I'll give you one of them if you so wish, just let me know. Mankell's an odd writer and it's often dour stuff but slightly addictive.
Dumdad, I failed miserably in my party host role, I'm afraid, there were so many people I just didn't get round to meeting on Saturday, but thank you for coming and we'll have a proper chat next time. I've actually read both of the Mankells you mention (am not very good at keeping my book blog up to date) and I agree that those two are MUCH better, particularly "One Step Behind". I even bought one in Swedish on my last trip there. It's the dourness (my Scottish/Nordic gene coming out there) that I like, you're right. Can't wait to have a proper Mankell chat with someone who actually knows what I'm talking about!! ;-)
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