Monday, March 12, 2007


Sunday found me, dear reader, decidedly the worse for wear after the lovely Meg's fur 'n' fanny party (I am now the proud owner of a mix-CD entitled "Vaginal Follies" - how unlikely is that?). Nevertheless, fortified by gallons of English breakfast tea and gingerbread chez Nicolas and Morag-Ann (that sounds very Enid Blyton, doesn't it?), I called up The Captain and we decided to go to the cinema. Bedtime Stories had said this movie was worth a look, and he was right. Is it my imagination or does Jean Dujardin get hotter with every year that passes? This film is a bit of a departure for him - no laughs in there at all - but he's great in it, as is Laurent Lucas who plays the prisoner who may or may not be guilty of raping and killing the Dujardin character's eight-year-old daughter. There were a couple of really creepy scenes towards the end that had me peeping through my fingers - if there'd been a sofa, I would have hidden behind it. Even the Captain confessed to being a little jittery and he's not a man who scares easily :). It's a dark film, full of foreboding but the editing is excellent (there's no downtime in there) and the acting, at least the main roles, is pretty good. "So what, Rhino?" I hear some of you cry. "It's never going to show in my local cinema and even if it does, I won't be able to understand it!" But I think it's important to show that French films aren't ALWAYS about two people talking and sh*gging for three hours without really coming to any kind of conclusion or cutesy girls traipsing round Montmartre - they make real movies too!


Anonymous said...

Here is a nice critic on the film. I totally agree with you, the older Dujardin gets, the hotter he seems to be. Anyway, I have to confess that i was about to scream sometimes.. why ? because the tension is so strong, there are very intense moments like you said, and you never rest because the plot is running so quickly that you can't miss a single word... well, I DO AGREE WITH RHINO75 ;)

Anonymous said...

When i grow up, I'll marry Jean Dujardin, don't you two dare come too close to him. He lives in my neighborhood, I always see him at the café around the corner. he's even more handsome in real life. So I casually sit, not too far from him and stir suggestively in my coffee.

By the way, you've both been tagged. Rhino, the time has come for the event of the year...

Rob7534 said...

I love movies with cutetish girls traipsing around Montmartre!

I'd love to see this flick! Buy me the DVD, and get the translation.

rhino75 said...

Micke, does he really live near you? Because that means he's easily stalkable - does he hang out at the Pause Café? And I'm SO excited about Frog Academy...What to sing? What to wear? And Rob, of course, coming up straight away, sir!!

Anonymous said...

He hangs out at the Rouge Limé, right where I live. He is very tall and usually needs two chairs to fit his whole self.

(I guess I know where we're meeting next time)