Sunday, July 30, 2006

NOBODY is gonna rain on my parade...

...gottit? So... ('cos I know you've all been on tenterhooks ;D) WE'RE GOING!! Well, we've booked the tickets which is the most important part. And the concert is actually on my birthday, can you imagine?! I wonder if it will be like Flunch, with Barbra and the boys downing tools for a moment to come over with a very large cake for me? We can but hope. Anyway, as luck would have it, I'm going to be in London Monday and Tuesday for work, so Nick and I have decided a Barbra/Cocktails evening is definitely called for. My usual hotel is, however, fully booked, (do they not know who I AM? tsk!) so I'm staying here instead. It looks a little too "blue-rinse brigade" for my liking, but I am looking forward to the marble bathroom. Bon voyage to me!

1 comment:

Rob7534 said...

YAY! Take lots of photos! I like eye candy!